Cummins engine parts, marine engine, generator set dealer

Cummins 6BTAA5.9-P160

Cummins 6BTAA5.9-P160 Pump EngineCummins DCEC 6BTAA5.9-P160 Pump Drive Engine

General data of Cummins 6BTAA5.9-P160 Pump Drive Engine
Engine Model Cummins 6BTAA5.9-P160
Type 6 cylinder in line
Displacement 5.9 L
Bore&Stroke 102×120 mm
Application Water pump set
Dimension(L*W*H) 1020*730*1000 (mm)
Weight 440 kg
Technical data of Cummins 6BTAA5.9-P160 Pump Drive Engine
Aspiration Turbocharged & Air-Air Intercooler
Fuel System Mechanical Pump/ElectronicGovernor
Maximum No Load Speed 1555-1595 RPM
Low idle speed 950-1050 RPM
Compression ratio N/A
Max overspeed 3100 RPM
Firing Order 1-5-3-6-2-4
Performance Date of Cummins 6BTAA5.9-P160 Pump Drive Engine
Rated Output 120KW/160HP
Standby Output N/A
Rated Speed(RPM) 1500
Torque 764 N.m@1500 RPM
Fuel Consumption/standby output 25 kg/hr

The above is general technical information of DCEC 6BTAA5.9-P160 diesel engine for water and fire pump application.
It will be also for us to supply the engine power packing with PTO.
We can supply the Cummins DCEC 6BTAA5.9-P160 genuine engine parts.

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