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Cummins 6LTAA8.9-M315

Cummins 6LTAA8.9-M315 Marine Propulsion Engine

General data of Cummins 6LTAA8.9-M315 Marine Propulsion Engine
Engine Model Cummins 6LTAA8.9-M315
Type 6 cylinder in line
Displacement 8.9 L
Bore&Stroke 114×145 mm
Dry Weight 650 KG
Center of gravity from front face of block 427 mm
Center of gravity above crankshaft centerline 163 mm
Technical data of Cummins 6LTAA8.9-M315 Marine Propulsion Engine
Aspiration Turbocharged and Charge Air Cooled
Fuel System BOSCH P7100/RQV_K
Coolant liquid capacity-engine only 11.1 litre
Low Idle speed 600-800 RPM
High Idle speed 2430 RPM
Compression ratio 16.6:1
Piston Speed 10.3 m/sec
Firing Order 1-5-3-6-2-4
Performance Date of Cummins 6LTAA8.9-M315 Marine Propulsion Engine
Rated Output/Speed 230KW/315HP/2134RPM
Standby Output/Speed 253KW/346HP/2200RPM
Max torque/speed 1350N.m/1400RPM
Fuel Consumption/rated speed 64l/hr/1858RPM

The above is general technicial information of Cummins 6LTAA8.9-M315 Marine Propulsion Engine. It is also for us to supply the Cummins 6LTAA8.9-M315 genuine parts and marine engine units with gearbox.

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