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Cummins C280-20

Cummins C280-20 Diesel Engine for Vehicle

General data of Cummins C280-20 Diesel Engine for Vehicle
Engine Model Cummins C280-20
Engine Type 4 stroke, 6 cylinder in line
Displacement 8.3 L
Bore&Stroke 114*135 mm
Net Weight(with flywheel and alternator) 636 KG
Center of gravity from front face of block 427 mm
Center of gravity above crankshaft centerline 163 mm
Technical data of Cummins C280-20 Diesel Engine for Vehicle
Emission Standard EURO II
Fuel System P700 Pump/RQV-K Governor
Aspiration Turbocharged and Air-Air Intercooled
Compression Ratio 18:1
Coolant Capacity 12.3 L
Idle Speed 700 RPM
Maximum No-load Speed 2770 RPM
Maximum Super Speed 3500 RPM
Performance Date of Cummins C280-20 Diesel Engine for Vehicle
Rated Output 206KW/280HP @ 2200 RPM
Continuous Output 114KW
Max Torque/Speed 1025N.m @ 1400 RPM
Torque/Rated speed
Fuel Consumption/Rated Speed
Minimum Fuel Consumption


The above is general technicial information of Cummins C280-20 diesel engine for truck application Engine. It is also for us to supply the Cummins C280-20 genuine engine parts.

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