Cummins engine parts, marine engine, generator set dealer

Cummins Engine Cylinder Head

The below engine parts Cummins cylinder head are  for the 4BT3.9/6BT5.9/6CT8.3/6LT8.9/ISDe/ISLe/ISZ/M11/NT855/
KT19/KT38/KT50/ISF2.8/ISF3.8/ISM11/QSM11 series Cummins engine.

DCEC cylinder head 3966454 DCEC cylinder head 3977225
DCEC cylinder head 3977225 DCEC cylinder head 3977600
DCEC cylinder head 3977600 DCEC cylinder head 4929518
DCEC cylinder head 4929518 DCEC cylinder head 4929520
DCEC cylinder head 4929520 DCEC cylinder head 4936714
DCEC cylinder head 4936714 DCEC cylinder head 4938632
DCEC cylinder head 4938632 DCEC cylinder head 4938653
DCEC cylinder head 4938653 DCEC cylinder head 4941073
DCEC cylinder head 4941073 DCEC cylinder head 4941495
DCEC cylinder head 4941495 DCEC cylinder head 4942138
DCEC cylinder head 4942138 DCEC cylinder head 4942139
DCEC cylinder head 4942139 DCEC cylinder head 4981002
DCEC cylinder head 4981002 DCEC cylinder head 4981003
DCEC cylinder head 4981003 DCEC cylinder head 4981005
DCEC cylinder head 4981005 DCEC cylinder head 4987984
DCEC cylinder head 4987984 DCEC cylinder head 4989710
DCEC cylinder head 4989710 CCEC M11 cylinder head 3417629
CCEC cylinder head 2864025 CCEC NT855 cylinder head 3418529
CCEC cylinder head 3640318 CCEC NT855 cylinder head 3411805
CCEC cylinder head 4296715 CCEC NT855 cylinder head 4915267
CCEC cylinder head 4914691 CCEC NT855 cylinder head 4915442
CCEC cylinder head 4914733 CCEC cylinder head K19 3021692
CCEC cylinder head 4914938 CCEC K19/KTA19D2 3811985
CCEC cylinder head 4999535 K series cylinder head 3176619
Cummins cylinder head 5264128 K series cylinder head 3646321
Cummins cylinder head 5271176 K series cylinder head 3646322
Cummins cylinder head 5258274 K series cylinder head 3646323
Cummins cylinder head 5264839 K series cylinder head 3646324
Cummins cylinder head 5271390 K series cylinder head 3646326
Cummins cylinder head 5307154F Cummins cylinder head 4999617X
Cummins cylinder head 3697216F K50 cylinder head
K50 cylinder head 5413784 K50 cylinder head 5271177
Head Cylinder 5413782 K19/NT855 cylinder head 5267876
K50 cylinder head 5404060 K19/NT855 cylinder head 5259426
K50 cylinder head 5372431 K19/NT855 cylinder head 5259421
K50 cylinder head 5371844 K19/NT855 cylinder head 5256469
K50 cylinder head 5364892 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4999617
K50 cylinder head 5361608 K50 cylinder head 4988954
K19/NT855 cylinder head 5361605 K50 cylinder head 4987978
K50 cylinder head 5361593 K50 cylinder head 4987963
K50 cylinder head 5361587 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4987958
K50 cylinder head 5348479 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4963960
K50 cylinder head 5347978 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4962732
K50 cylinder head 5347974 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4962454
K50 cylinder head 5347973 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4952844
K50 cylinder head 5347972 K50 cylinder head 4952829
K50 cylinder head 5307154 K50 cylinder head 4952822
K50 cylinder head 5272457 K50 cylinder head 4952453
K50 cylinder head 5271866 K50 cylinder head 4952450
K50 cylinder head 4899587 CCEC cylinder head 4952441
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4386011 CCEC cylinder head 4951830
K50 cylinder head 4331387 CCEC cylinder head 4949162
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4323150 CCEC cylinder head 4942136
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4317210 CCEC cylinder head 4942124
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4317168 CCEC cylinder head 4942120
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4317166 CCEC cylinder head 4942115
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4317166 CCEC cylinder head 4940658
Head cylinder 4317165 CCEC cylinder head 4940656
Head cylinder 4317163 CCEC cylinder head 4933820
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4317162 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4933818
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4317160 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4916447
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4317159 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4914938
Cummins cylinder head 4317157 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4900998
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4317156 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4900715
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4317154 K19/NT855 cylinder head 4313888
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4313889 DCEC Cylinder head 4313887
CCEC cylinder head 4012802 DCEC Cylinder head 4298235
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4011430 DCEC Cylinder head 4099016
K19/NT855 cylinder head 4003980 DCEC Cylinder head 4098468
K19/NT855 cylinder head 3991773 DCEC Cylinder head 4098433
DCEC Cylinder head 3991159 DCEC Cylinder head 4096557
K19/NT855 cylinder head 3968930 DCEC Cylinder head 4096555
K19/NT855 cylinder head 3968902 DCEC Cylinder head 4089290
K19/NT855 cylinder head 3967930 DCEC Cylinder head 4086626
K19/NT855 cylinder head 3967460 DCEC Cylinder head 4083406
K19/NT855 cylinder head 3967458 DCEC Cylinder head 4083403
K19/NT855 cylinder head 3967457 DCEC Cylinder head 4083400
K19/NT855 cylinder head 3957456 DCEC Cylinder head 4080358
DCEC Cylinder head 3967455 Head cylinder 4068673
DCEC Cylinder head 3967449 Head cylinder 4014769
DCEC Cylinder head 3967448 Head cylinder 4014521
DCEC Cylinder head 3967447 Head cylinder 3967433
DCEC Cylinder head 3967440 Head cylinder 3966460
DCEC Cylinder head 3930925 Head cylinder 3966458
DCEC Cylinder head 3930918 Head cylinder 3966454
DCEC Cylinder head 3930912 Head cylinder 3959564
DCEC Cylinder head 3930074 CCEC cylinder head 3948583
CCEC cylinder head 3922739 CCEC cylinder head 3944993
DCEC Cylinder head 3896291 CCEC cylinder head 3938660
DCEC Cylinder head 3811987 CCEC cylinder head 3936179
DCEC Cylinder head 3811985 CCEC cylinder head 3934785
DCEC Cylinder head 3802468 CCEC cylinder head 3934769
DCEC Cylinder head 3802467 CCEC cylinder head 3934768
DCEC Cylinder head 3802466 CCEC cylinder head 3934746
DCEC Cylinder head 3802465 CCEC cylinder head 3934730
DCEC Cylinder head 3802340 CCEC cylinder head 3931925
DCEC Cylinder head 3800874 CCEC cylinder head 3930932
DCEC Cylinder head 3800873 CCEC cylinder head 3649048
DCEC Cylinder head 3694193 CCEC cylinder head 3647149
DCEC Cylinder head 3650878 CCEC cylinder head 3647147
DCEC Cylinder head 3650877 CCEC cylinder head 3646785
DCEC Cylinder head 3646784 CCEC cylinder head 3646783


(1) If you need the cylinder head for the Cummins 4B, 6B, 6C, 6L, QSB, QSC, QSL, ISL, ISB, ISD, QSM11, ISM11, M11, NTA855, KTA19, KTA38 and KTA50 engine, please further contact our sales.
(2) We can provide the cylinder head for both Cummins China genuine and original from abroad, together with the itnake and exhaust valve. If you required the Cummins China OEM parts, we also can be your help.
(3) The above cylinder head are possible for the Cummins automotive engine, construction engine, generators engine, pump engine and marine engine.
(4) If the part no of cylinder head you inquiry are not in our above list, please further contact us to check for you. Maybe some part no. are not updated.

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