Cummins engine parts, marine engine, generator set dealer

Cummins KTA19-P600(2100RPM)

Cummins KTA19-P600 Pump EngineCummins CCEC KTA19-P600 Pump Drive Engine

General data of Cummins CCEC KTA19-P600 Pump Drive Engine
Engine Model Cummins CCEC KTA19-P600
Type 4 stroke, 6 cylinder in line
Displacement 19 L
Bore&Stroke 159*159 mm
Dry Type Net Weight with flywheel(air cooled) 1633 KG
Wet Type Net weight with flywheel(air cooled) 1699 KG
Center of gravity from front face of block 572 mm
Center of gravity above crankshaft centerline 239 mm
Technical data of Cummins CCEC KTA19-P600 Pump Drive Engine
Aspiration Turbocharged Aftercooled
Fuel System PT Pump Direct Injection
Coolant capacity-engine only 30 L
Idle speed 625 r/min
Maximum No Load Speed 2100 r/min
Maximum Super Speed 2625 r/min
Compression ratio 13.9:1
Ignition Order 1-5-3-6-2-4
Performance Date of Cummins CCEC KTA19-P600 Pump Drive Engine
Max Output @ Speed 448KW/600HP @ 2100 r/min
Continuous Output @ Speed 351KW/470HP @ 1800 r/min
Max Torque @ Speed(Max output)
Max Torque @ Speed(Continuous output)
Torque @ Max Output
Torque @ Continuous Output


The above is general technicial information of Cummins CCEC KTA19-P600 industrial application Engine. It is also for us to supply the Cummins CCEC KTA19-P600 genuine engine parts and engine units with water pump ASSY.

(1) If you need the other engine except CCEC KTA19-P600 , then the Cummins 4B, 6B, 6C, 6L, QSB, QSC, QSL, ISL, ISB, ISD, QSM11, ISM11, M11, NTA855, KTA19, KTA38 and KTA50 engine be your choice, please further contact our sales.
(2) We can provide the diesel engine KTA19-P600 for both water pump and fire pump application, together with the control panel. If you required the Cummins KTA19-P600 engine parts, we also can be your help.
(3) The above diesel engine KTA19-P600 is from Cummins CCEC factory, which is used for the pump drive. The original CCEC KTA19-P600 engine parts will be also to supply.
(4) If the engine details you need are not in our above list, please further contact us to check for you. Maybe some information are not updated.

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